Get to know me

Born and grown up in Mumbai, one of the busiest cities in India and then moving to New York city- I have always cherished and craved the pockets of nature that these cities have to offer. I seek to spend my days surrounded by nature or try to bring nature in spaces I occupy.

I have loved collaborating with bacteria to make leather and other matierals out of them and hope to continue being in wonderment with bio-based materials and their applications.

My interests lie in circular design, environmental and social justice and design research.

Pursuing my MFA in Design for Social Innovation has helped me include more than just human beings in my design process and I hope to continue this in my practice. other than that, I am a middle child and a plant mom, I love watching female gaze films and reading stream of consciousness prose. I also take great delight in understanding how our funny  brain works in my spare time and making playlists for every mood ever.